Open Topic Thursday

5 Obstacles to Change and Their Antidotes (PC034)
Listen and learn the five obstacles to positive change and the simple solution to overcome them all. Conscious change is made easy when you know these tricks. […]
Open Topic Thursday
Listen and learn the five obstacles to positive change and the simple solution to overcome them all. Conscious change is made easy when you know these tricks. […]
Is subtle resistance keeping you stuck or limiting your enjoyment of the present? Listen to get more clarity on how resistance can sabotage positive change or make change less fun. What are the things that keep you in bondage? How much more freedom can you enjoy? […]
Most people drop their New Year’s Resolutions by February. So, apparently resolutions are not a way to create lasting change. Dorena talks about clearing out the old and asking questions as one way to identify the most effective way to create something different in your life. A good first step when you are unsure about what you want to create! […]
Today we are going to do some follow up calls on people that had sessions aired on this podcast. Did the amazing change they experienced in the session stick? Did they like the results? What was the best part of their experience? Find out today… […]
Dr. Kristie Overstreet explains the issues that transgender and gender non-binary people face and what we can do to support the societal change that will allow all individuals to be able to feel free to express their own individuality without receiving discrimination and hate. Dr. Kristie Overstreet. She is a clinical sexologist, psychotherapist and the author of two books: Fix Yourself First: 25 tips to stop ruining your relationships and 4 Weeks to Improve Your Relationship as a Couple. […]
Copyright 2017 Dorena Rode