Is Your Overwork Making You Sick? (PC042)

One of the most powerful tools I have ever used for personal change is the Twelve Steps originally created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous.  In fact, when I first started doing the Change Anything Now process I referred to it as a facilitated Seventh Step.  In the Seventh Step, we ask for our character defects to be removed.  This is exactly what we do in the CAN process, except when we are doing CAN we are in the “Ground” state and the change occurs instantly.  Further, we witness the change and are able to go on to remove anything that comes up that is blocking the change we are demanding.  CAN is like the Twelve Steps on steroids.

Today, one of my lifestyle renovation clients agreed to share our session working the Steps on an issue that was up for her.  I have been working with this client for a couple of weeks.  She originally was in a great deal of gut pain, but by using the Peak Performance pack to remove inflammation, my special gut healing tea, and the Change Anything Process she immediately got rid of that pain.  However, her healing was just beginning and she took on extra work too soon and had a relapse.  I asked her what compelled her to stop listening to her body and take on the extra work.  Listen in as we focus in on the issue and then work the Steps to create lasting change.

*** Recorded Session ***

Some aspects of this woman’s overworking included:

  • Compelled to work more for money
  • Her doctor says “no stressful work,” and yet that is exactly what she engaged in
  • Strong desire to help others
  • Not taking care of herself
  • The need to prove herself
  • The sense of being unworthy
  • Wanting to avoid rejection
  • Higher expectations for herself than others.
  • Pushing herself to do things beyond what is healthy for her

This session is a great example of how to work the Twelve Steps on an issue.  It provides people unfamiliar with the steps a flavor for how the program works.  Many people in 12 step programs actually don’t use the steps or don’t know how to use the steps.  This session will give those people a taste of how to leverage the steps to their advantage.

If you are feeling stuck, or do not have the peace and joy you desire in your life I can offer you a change any thing now session.  Visit my website at to find out more.  Sessions for this podcast I do for free.  How does it get better than that?

If you have enjoyed this podcast take a moment to give it five stars and write me a review on iTunes.  That will help other people find the podcast.  You can also submit a comment on the positivechangewithdorena website and let me know what you liked or how the broadcast helped you.




Cheery Monday by  Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Voice Intro:

Dylan McClosky

Podcast:  Copyright 2018 Dorena Rode – All Rights Reserved


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