Change Facilitation

Is Your Overwork Making You Sick? (PC042)

April 19, 2018 0

This session is a great example of how to work the Twelve Steps on an issue. Here I work with a woman that is compromising her own health to help others. Is your overwork hurting you? This session, will give you a flavor for how the 12 step programs work. Many people in 12 step programs actually don’t use the steps or don’t know how to use the steps. This session will give those people a taste of how to leverage the steps to their advantage. […]

Change Facilitation

How To Stop Being An Enabler (PC010)

November 16, 2017 0

Here is a change facilitation session with a woman having difficulties with her adult daughter. Sounds similar to episode 6 aired last Friday on Friends and Family Friday, but this story ends with a twist. On the surface it looks like a simple case of enabling. The woman, in order to avoid her daughter’s anger when she says, “No” has been giving in to her requests and buying stuff for her. That is putting a strain on her relationship with her husband, since she got caught overusing the credit card.

The session takes some twists and turns and in the end, we discover a lifelong pattern that literally started when she was in the cradle. Self-will to change the pattern hasn’t helped, but when we get the root belief she finds relief and can do what she never could do before, say No and mean it. […]

Change Facilitation

Healing the Mother Daughter Relationship (PC006)

November 10, 2017 0

Today we have a special program. I have a recording of a change facilitation session with a woman to share with you. She was having some confusion about life direction and problems with her adult daughter, both habitual issues for her.

While this women is not a client of mine, I know a little of her back story and know that she has done a tremendous amount of conscious work to become free of codependency.

I suspected that she had subconscious blocks that were keeping her stuck. This is common with family issues that are persistent. In this case, we found the root of her daughter issues lead back (in part) to an unhealthy relationship with her mother. Once we rectified some of the subconscious programs that she picked up as a child, she experienced a dramatic change in body pain, tension and anxiety. At the end you will hear her complete flip in attitude. Amazing! […]